As a SETI intern, I built infrastructure to allow more efficient testing of frontend Youtube webcomponents and improved tooling for making large refactors to existing Youtube tests.
As a SETI intern, I built infrastructure to allow more efficient testing of frontend Youtube webcomponents and improved tooling for making large refactors to existing Youtube tests.
I advised students on ways to improve their resumes, portfolios, and job prospects, and mentored them in mock technical interviews.
I worked as a Business Intelligence intern, building integrations for some of DFTs clients, as well as developer tools for other DFT devs.
I built a machine learning vizualization for a demo at ICRA 2015.
I learned a bunch of circus skills and taught them to children.
An autonomous parade float built with the Agency at Georgia Tech.
An easy to use testing library for ROS-based robotics.
Research project on how neural networks interact with time-series data.
A collaborative filter applied to choosing college courses.
A web scraper and API for the Georgia Tech Course Catalog.
A tool to help gesture designers create gesture based interactions.
A simple matrix-based Neural Network library in Rust.
An entry in the International Autonomous Robot Racing Competition, built with the Georgia Tech Robojackets.
Hackathon project at MHacks IV that was designed to help new hackers create a backend webservice for their website quickly and intuitively.
Miscellaneous small projects that don't fit anywhere else.
Small contributions to various Open Source Projects.