
Let’s start off easy. This will be both an introduction to this blog’s style and an introduction to a cool tool that every python programmer should know. I’m a huge fan of literate programming and all that, so this blog post will be available in two forms, a markdown form like this, as well as an inverted form, a runnable python file with the code and the commentary in comments. I’m writing this post with python 3 in mind (and generally I use python 3), but for this post specifically, there shouldn’t be any python 2 incompatibilities.

With that disclaimer, let’s get started. Python has functions. Functions are great tools for doing things. Decorators allow a programmer to modify the way functions work, which can be extremely powerful. That said, both the syntax and ideas can be rather mind-bending, especially the more complex examples. This is nothing new, and there are a lot of good resources out there to learn how decorators work, I just think mine is better.

So python can have functions

def f(x):  # adds one
    return x + 1

Functions can obviously be vastly more complex than something that simply increments a value, but this will already get confusing, so we start simple.
We also want to verify that our function actually works.

assert f(2) == 3  # True

Functions can call other functions within them, mathematically speaking, this would be “function composition”.

def g(x):  # adds two
    return f(x) + 1

assert g(2) == 4  # True

Importantly, functions are just data that we can pass into another function. A function can take another function as an argument. At first this seems a little silly, but it can be useful.

from import Callable, Iterable
# if you aren't familiar with this, don't worry, Callable just means that you
# can treat the object like a function, and Iterable means that you can loop
# over the object

def apply_function(f: Callable, arg):
    return f(arg)  # this just calls the function on the argument

def my_map(f: Callable, l: Iterable):
    new_list = []
    for item in l:
    return new_list

assert apply_function(g, 3) == 5
assert my_map(f, [1,2,3,4,5]) == [2,3,4,5,6]

The act of iterating over a list and applying a function to each member is so common that python provides a builtin to do just that (the map function), although often list comprehensions ([f(item) for item in l]) are the more “pythonic” solution.

The next, and arguably hardest cognitive leap is that functions can return functions. That is, we can create a function within another function.

def function_builder():
    def child_function():
        return "hello world"
    return child_function

assert function_builder()() == "hello world"

That’s some strange syntax, this weird double parenthesis. It looks wrong, unnatural, unholy. Its dark magic. We’re getting somewhere. What’s occurring here is strange. The result of function_builder isn’t a string, its a function that returns a string. Function builder gives you a function that can then be executed to give you a useful result. At first this seems really useless, but there is a second, much more important part to this.

def add_n_factory(n: int):
    def add_n(val: int):
        return n + val
    return add_n

add_4 = add_n_factory(4)
assert add_4(3) == 7

add_6 = add_n_factory(6)
assert add_6(4) == 10

# for more weird syntax:
assert add_n_factory(3)(3) == 6

Here we take advantage of something called a closure. In computer science, a closure is the idea of a computation bound to its environment. This goes along with the idea of scope. A function can see what is inside of it.

# global scope
def func(x):
    # inner scope, I can see 'x'
# back to the global scope
func("hello world")
    # this will fail because x isn't defined in this scope

But with nested functions, the inner functions have access to the variables in the scope of the outer functions, as we could see with add_n_factory. The newly created functions could access the value of n. What variables the innermost function can see is defined by a set of scoping rules, generally speaking a function can access anything in its scope or any enclosing scope (this include the global scope) and in the case of conflicts the most specific value (which is also the most recently defined) is used.

Its vital to note that the inner function is bound to the values used when defining that function, thus if you run add_n_factory again later, it won’t change the value of n in a previously created scoped function. In other words, you can’t mutate a previously created inner function.

So we have a few ideas ideas:

  1. you can pass a function into another function
  2. we can dynamically construct a new function within a function
  3. we can bind a dynamically built function to some values in a closure

Combining them all leads to a decorator.

def decorate_add_one_more(f: Callable):
    def add_one_more(x: int):
        return f(x) + 1
    return add_one_more

add_5 = decorate_add_one_more(add_4)
assert add_5(10) == 15

# and for more syntactical shenanigans
assert decorate_add_one_more(add_n_factory(5))(3) == 9

This merits an explanation. decorate_add_one_more is a function. You pass a function into it, and it returns a different function. The function you give it should ideally take in and return an integer, otherwise weird things might happen. That function is then bound to a new function, add_one_more and add_one_more calls the old function, does some additional processing and returns a different value. This is the basic idea of a decorator.

Importantly though, python provides some very special syntax for decorators. Its common to want to immediately decorate a function in some manner. Often when using a library, the designers will have done something to abstract away a set of processing, and the library’s API will involve decorators to keep the abstractions clean (see Flask). Other times, a decorator can be used to modify a function to provide a common functionality (such as staticmethod, lru_cache and family from the standard library). In such cases, there is a common pattern to immediately define a function and then decorate it, python provides a syntax for this using the @ symbol.

def add_7(x):
    return 6 + x

add_7 = decorate_add_one_more(add_7)

def add_9(x):
    return 8 + x

assert add_7(2) == add_9(0) == 9  # it works!

The above two methods are implemented in essentially the same way. A function is defined and immediately passed into another function, which modifies it and returns a new function under the name of the old function. That means that the versions that adds 8 is never really accessible (it is if you try really hard, but that’s another post). And the version that adds 6 is only accessible until it is wrapped a few lines later. After that, the “old” functions essentially disappear and its only possible to work with the wrapped function. The result being that the function works “correctly” is the only accessible one.

So that’s how decorators work. There are a few more complex topics to cover. The first is decorators that take arguments. As an example, in flask, you use @app.route('/') to denote the url at which a certain page will be accessible. This isn’t the same kind of decorator as what we were using. Instead, we need to create a decorator factory.

def do_nothing(f): # a decorator
    return f

def do_nothing_wrapper(): # a decorator factory
    def do_nothing_2(f):
        return f
    return do_nothing_2

@do_nothing  # do nothing is called on func
def func():
    return 10

@do_nothing_wrapper()  # the result of do_nothing_wrapper is called on func
def func_2():
    return 10

assert func() == 10
assert func_2() == 10

In essence, the result of the @ line is what is called on the function, so once you evaluate what follow @, you should have a function that is then called on the decorated function. This is still mind bending and leads to some convoluted code.

def add_n_more(n: int):
    def add_n_decorator(f: Callable):
        def new_adder(m: int):
            return f(m) + n
        return new_adder
    return add_n_decorator

def add_15(n):
    return n + 12

def add_3(n):
    return n - 2  # I was running out of numbers

assert add_3(5) == 8
assert add_15(5) == 20
# now for some horrors
# I'm going to use lambdas for simplicities sake, hopefully you are familiar
assert add_n_more(3)(lambda x: x + 2)(5) == 10

Here, add_n_more constructs a new decorator at runtime, which then wraps the function that is defined. This decorator then adds the value that is passed to the function factory, instead of a predefined value. That said, its still a terrifying layering of functions 3 deep.

The second more complex idea is that of generic decorators using variable length arguments and variable length keyword arguments. Quickly, lets define a sum function in two ways, one with and one without keyword arguments

def my_sum(a_list):
    s = 0
    for item in a_list:
        s += item
    return s

def my_var_sum(*a_list):
    s = 0
    for item in a_list:
        s += item
    return s

These are…exactly the same, with the exception of an asterisk in the second one. So now lets test them.

assert my_sum([1,2,3,4]) == 10
assert my_var_sum(1,2,3,4) == 10
assert my_var_sum(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) == 45

Here the difference becomes apparent. With the *a_list syntax, you don’t pass in the list, you pass in a series of single values. Python then forms these into a variable length list which can be accessed from the variable name preceded by an asterisk. Normally, this variable is named *args. Similarly, for keyword arguments, **kwargs can be used to form a variable sized dictionary of keyword arguments.

Further, there is a syntax for unpcking such lists, called either the splat or “unpacking argument lists” operator, using *list or **dict will unpack them into component arguments. This syntax only works within a function call.

Putting these together, we can create generic decorators that work on any function with any set of arguments.

def dynamic_logging_decorator(file="out.log"):
    # lets use a decorator that can optionally take an argument
    def debug_decorator(function):
        def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
            with open(file, 'a') as f:
                f.write("calling function " + str(function) +
                " with args " + str(args) + "; and keyword args " + str(kwargs))
            return function(*args, **kwargs)
        return decorated_function
    return debug_decorator

I leave testing this as an exercise to the reader.

That’s a wrap for my introductory post, hope you enjoyed it. I’m always looking for feedback though you can’t comment here. Here’s the link to the “inverted” version of this that should be a valid python 3.x file, and here’s the link to the post source.

There may be some python errors in this, but the code in the source file is all correct.